UiPath is a leader in Robotics Process Automation market. This program, thanks to an elaborate interface and built-in solutions, enables an efficient and fast business processes automation.

UiPath is an RPA (Robotics Process Automation) tool used to automate daily corporate tasks, enabling to set employees free from the daily routine connected with repeatable processes. This program is relatively easy due to using diagrams, block patterns and  drag/drop-off options in order to define the automation tools.

UiPath program enables convenient task administration based on rules and makes it possibile to share and use components among various projects and teams. Expandable UiPath architecture makes use of predictable analysis, cognitive functions and logical diagrams to automate complex processes.

During a live classroom training participants will get to know how to create UiPath solutions enabling process automation. They will also learn how to manipulate the data for automation purposes, solve problems and configure inevitable end-infrastructure necessary for implementing a legitimate, robotised solution.

Having completed the training, the participants will be able to:

  • analyse processes from the RPA automation perspective,
  • prepare process documentation,
  • modify UiPath framework,
  • automate business processes using the UiPath program,
  • automate business applications (inter alia SAP),
  • automate MS Excel program and databases,
  • automate computer applications interface,
  • automate a mailbox,
  • implement their own RPA solutions and modify their particular elements.

Operation of UiPath program is a skill required by more and more employers. This demand is forced by the market which aims to automate as many business processes as possible. By completing our training you will be prepared for a day-to-day work with UiPath program and implementation of RPA solutions in your company.

Benefits of participating in the training

Robotic Process Automation is currently at the forefront of the most wanted and future-proof skills in business rankings around the world. The number of companies implementing RPA in their processes is constantly growing. During the training, the participant will have the opportunity to learn the details of business process automation from an experienced developer and trainer in RPA.

Who should participate in the training?

The training is dedicated to all people who want to develop their knowledge about RPA technology. It will be especially useful for those people who are responsible in their companies for the development and implementation of new technologies and processing repetetive tasks.

We invite you to take part in our trainings!